The third game of the critically acclaimed series, Harry Gooch. After escaping the Rango cinema, Harry finds himself in a city. The Red capsule menace has followed him there.

There will not be another game in awhile as i have been arrested for multiple crimes against humanity.


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as harry gooch 3 took a little longer in development i was worried it would be bad due to it be in devlopment hell but the wait was worth it, harry gooch 3 improves on a predocessor in everyway possible, the graphics are by far the best any of any game HIV has ever made, this could rival even the best of rockstar games, yet again the gameplay is just the best the series had had, it really makes you fell like a nameless army man, the immersion is amazing, you can easily forget that your in a game and not real life, the story is the best in the series, i have began to form an emotional connection to harry gooch, the twist at the end was unseen, and i cant wait to see where the series continues, harry gooch 3 has made sure that harry gooch is remeberd as one of the best franchises in gaming, its safe to say me and the rest of the fanbase cannot wait until harry gooch 4